Sarah Goffman, Fat massage, 2015, MCA ArtBar, curated by Tom Polo, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Sarah Goffman, Fat massage, 2015, MCA ArtBar, curated by Tom Polo, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Sarah Goffman, Fat massage, 2015, MCA ArtBar, curated by Tom Polo, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Sarah Goffman, Fat massage, 2015, MCA ArtBar, curated by Tom Polo, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Sarah Goffman, Fat massage, 2015, MCA ArtBar, curated by Tom Polo, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Sarah Goffman, Fat massage, 2015, MCA ArtBar, curated by Tom Polo, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Sarah Goffman, Fat massage, 2015, MCA ArtBar, curated by Tom Polo, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
Sarah Goffman, Fat massage, 2015, MCA ArtBar, curated by Tom Polo, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
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